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Journal of Arid Land
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    Vol.  6 No.  2 , Pages 129-242  (2014-04-10)
    Xi CHEN, WenFeng WANG, GePing LUO, Hui YE
Can soil respiration estimate neglect the contribution of abiotic exchange?
2014 Vol. 6 (2): 129-135 [摘要] ( 1461 ) [PDF 5086KB] ( 2886 )
    Rong YANG, YongZhong SU, Min WANG, Tao WANG, Xiao YANG, GuiPing FAN, TianChang W
Spatial pattern of soil organic carbon in desert grasslands of the diluvial-alluvial plains of northern Qilian Mountains
2014 Vol. 6 (2): 136-144 [摘要] ( 1866 ) [PDF 1357KB] ( 4127 )
    Li ZHANG, Jun LEI, Xuan ZHOU, XiaoLei ZHANG, Wen DONG, Yu YANG
Changes in carbon dioxide emissions and LMDI-based impact factor decomposition: the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region as a case
2014 Vol. 6 (2): 145-155 [摘要] ( 1882 ) [PDF 864KB] ( 1915 )
    GuangNa ZHANG, ZhenHua CHEN, AiMing ZHANG, LiJun CHEN, ZhiJie WU
Influence of climate warming and nitrogen deposition on soil phosphorus composition and phosphorus availability in a temperate grassland, China
2014 Vol. 6 (2): 156-163 [摘要] ( 1505 ) [PDF 402KB] ( 2078 )
    ZhengJun GUAN, Qian LUO, Xi CHEN, XianWei FENG, ZhiXi TANG, Wei WEI, YuanRun ZHENG
Saline soil enzyme activities of four plant communities in Sangong River basin of Xinjiang, China
2014 Vol. 6 (2): 164-173 [摘要] ( 1640 ) [PDF 578KB] ( 1540 )
    YuLin LI, Chen JING, Wei MAO, Duo CUI, XinYuan WANG, XueYong ZHAO
N and P resorption in a pioneer shrub (Artemisia halodendron) inhabiting severely desertified lands of Northern China
2014 Vol. 6 (2): 174-185 [摘要] ( 2099 ) [PDF 704KB] ( 1819 )
    HongLing LIU, Yong TAN, Monika NELL, Karin ZITTER-EGLSEER, Chris WAWSCRAH, Brigi
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal colonization of  Glycyrrhiza glabra roots enhances plant biomass, phosphorus uptake and concentration of root secondary metabolites
2014 Vol. 6 (2): 186-194 [摘要] ( 1716 ) [PDF 1929KB] ( 3584 )
    Yanina A TORRES, Carlos A BUSSO, Oscar A MONTENEGRO, Leticia ITHURRART, Hugo D G
Root proliferation in native perennial grasses of arid Patagonia, Argentina
2014 Vol. 6 (2): 195-204 [摘要] ( 1695 ) [PDF 560KB] ( 2248 )
    HeQiang DU, Xian XUE, Tao WANG
Estimation of the quantity of aeolian saltation sediments blown into the Yellow River from the Ulanbuh Desert, China
2014 Vol. 6 (2): 205-218 [摘要] ( 1799 ) [PDF 2554KB] ( 2097 )
    Jing ZHANG, JianMing NIU, Tongliga BAO, Alexander BUYANTUYEV, Qing ZHANG, JianJu
Human induced dryland degradation in Ordos Plateau, China, revealed by multilevel statistical modeling of normalized difference vegetation index and rainfall time-series
2014 Vol. 6 (2): 219-229 [摘要] ( 1651 ) [PDF 2401KB] ( 2655 )
    QiuPing FU, QuanJiu WANG, XinLei SHEN, Jun FAN
Optimizing water and nitrogen inputs for winter wheat cropping system on the Loess Plateau, China
2014 Vol. 6 (2): 230-242 [摘要] ( 1847 ) [PDF 1468KB] ( 1792 )
Journal of Arid Land


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