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Journal of Arid Land
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    Vol.  6 No.  3 , Pages 243-370  (2014-06-10)
    ZhiBao DONG, Ping LV, ZhengCai ZHANG, JunFeng LU
Aeolian transport over a developing transverse dune
2014 Vol. 6 (3): 243-254 [摘要] ( 1518 ) [PDF 312KB] ( 2048 )
    YingJun PANG, JianJun QU, KeCun ZHANG, ZhiShan AN, QingHe NIU
Quantitative analysis on the dynamic characteristics of megadunes around the Crescent Moon Spring, China
2014 Vol. 6 (3): 255-263 [摘要] ( 1329 ) [PDF 487KB] ( 1490 )
    Heng WEI, HongLang XIAO, ZhenLiang YIN, ZhiXiang LU
Evaluation of groundwater sustainability based on groundwater age simulation in the Zhangye Basin of Heihe River watershed, northwestern China
2014 Vol. 6 (3): 264-272 [摘要] ( 1320 ) [PDF 323KB] ( 1976 )
    YanYun NIAN, Xin LI, Jian ZHOU, XiaoLi HU
Impact of land use change on water resource allocation in the middle reaches of the Heihe River Basin in northwestern China
2014 Vol. 6 (3): 273-286 [摘要] ( 1609 ) [PDF 1241KB] ( 3029 )
    QingLing GENG, PuTe WU, QingFeng ZHANG, XiNing ZHAO, YuBa WANG
Dry/wet climate zoning and delimitation of arid areas of Northwest China based on a data-driven fashion
2014 Vol. 6 (3): 287-299 [摘要] ( 1892 ) [PDF 551KB] ( 1691 )
    HaoTian YANG, XinRong LI, LiChao LIU, YanHong GAO, Gang LI, RongLiang JIA
Soil water repellency and influencing factors of Nitraria tangutorun nebkhas at different succession stages
2014 Vol. 6 (3): 300-310 [摘要] ( 1559 ) [PDF 686KB] ( 2400 )
    LiNa XIE, ChengCang MA, HongYu GUO, QingFang LI, YuBao GAO
Distribution pattern of Caragana species under the influence of climate gradient in the Inner Mongolia region, China
2014 Vol. 6 (3): 311-323 [摘要] ( 1395 ) [PDF 338KB] ( 1452 )
    Mouldi GAMOUN
Grazing intensity effects on the vegetation in desert rangelands of Southern Tunisia
2014 Vol. 6 (3): 324-333 [摘要] ( 1653 ) [PDF 495KB] ( 2376 )
    XiaoAn ZUO, ShaoKun WANG, XueYong ZHAO, Jie LIAN
Scale dependence of plant species richness and vegetation-environment relationship along a gradient of dune stabilization in Horqin Sandy Land, Northern China
2014 Vol. 6 (3): 334-342 [摘要] ( 1652 ) [PDF 435KB] ( 1837 )
    DeMing JIANG, Yi TANG, Carlos A BUSSO
Effects of vegetation cover on recruitment of Ulmus pumila L. in Horqin Sandy Land, northeastern China
2014 Vol. 6 (3): 343-351 [摘要] ( 1472 ) [PDF 527KB] ( 1503 )
    GuanHua ZHANG, GuoBin LIU, PingCang ZHANG, Liang YI
Influence of vegetation parameters on runoff and sediment characteristics in patterned Artemisia capillaris plots
2014 Vol. 6 (3): 352-360 [摘要] ( 1753 ) [PDF 425KB] ( 1609 )
    WenXuan MAI, ChangYan TIAN, Li LI
Localized salt accumulation: the main reason for cotton root length decrease during advanced growth stages under drip irrigation with mulch film in a saline soil
2014 Vol. 6 (3): 361-370 [摘要] ( 1407 ) [PDF 389KB] ( 1482 )
Journal of Arid Land


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