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Journal of Arid Land
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    Vol.  6 No.  5 , Pages 511-646  (2014-10-12)
    Yu LI, NaiAng WANG, ChengQi ZHANG, Yue WANG
Early Holocene environment at a key location of the northwest boundary of the Asian summer monsoon: a synthesis on chronologies of Zhuye Lake, Northwest China
2014 Vol. 6 (5): 511-528 [摘要] ( 1413 ) [PDF 1833KB] ( 2023 )
    LiWen ZHAO, WenZhi ZHA
Evapotranspiration of an oasis-desert transition zone in the middle stream of Heihe River, Northwest China
2014 Vol. 6 (5): 529-539 [摘要] ( 1417 ) [PDF 886KB] ( 1978 )
    JuYing JIAO, ZhiJie WANG, GuangJu ZHAO, WanZhong WANG, XingMin MU
Changes in sediment discharge in the sediment-rich region of the Yellow River from 1955 to 2010: implications for further soil erosion control
2014 Vol. 6 (5): 540-549 [摘要] ( 1627 ) [PDF 1159KB] ( 1947 )
    Lie XIAO, Sha XUE, GuoBin LIU, Chao ZHANG
Fractal features of soil profiles under different land use patterns on the Loess Plateau, China
2014 Vol. 6 (5): 550-560 [摘要] ( 1315 ) [PDF 558KB] ( 1545 )
    Stephen M MUREITHI, Ann VERDOODT, Charles KK GACHENE, Jesse T NJOKA, Vivian O WA
Impact of enclosure management on soil properties and microbial biomass in a restored semi-arid rangeland, Kenya
2014 Vol. 6 (5): 561-570 [摘要] ( 1278 ) [PDF 1046KB] ( 2278 )
    Yue LI, YingHui LIU, YaLin WANG, Lei NIU, Xia XU, YuQiang TIAN
Interactive effects of soil temperature and moisture on soil N mineralization in the Stipa krylovii grassland in Inner Mongolia, China
2014 Vol. 6 (5): 571-580 [摘要] ( 2031 ) [PDF 639KB] ( 2518 )
    GuiQing XU, DanDan YU, JiangBo XIE, LiSong TANG, Yan LI
What makes Haloxylon persicum grow on sand dunes while H. ammodendron grows on interdune lowlands: a proof from reciprocal transplant experiments
2014 Vol. 6 (5): 581-591 [摘要] ( 1390 ) [PDF 744KB] ( 1606 )
    Yuan YAO, WeiGuo LIU
Hydrogen isotopic composition of plant leaf wax in response to soil moisture in an arid ecosystem of the northeast Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, China
2014 Vol. 6 (5): 592-600 [摘要] ( 1377 ) [PDF 646KB] ( 1477 )
    ChaoBo ZHANG, LiHua CHEN, Jing JIANG
Vertical root distribution and root cohesion of typical tree species on the Loess Plateau, China
2014 Vol. 6 (5): 601-611 [摘要] ( 1502 ) [PDF 986KB] ( 2016 )
    HongZhong DANG, TianShan ZHA, JinSong ZHANG, Wei LI, ShiZeng LIU
Radial profile of sap flow velocity in mature Xinjiang poplar (Populus alba L. var. pyramidalis) in Northwest China
2014 Vol. 6 (5): 612-627 [摘要] ( 1687 ) [PDF 1023KB] ( 1540 )
    HaiNa ZHANG, PeiXi SU, ShanJia LI, ZiJuan ZHOU, TingTing XIE
Response of root traits of Reaumuria soongorica and Salsola passerina to facilitation
2014 Vol. 6 (5): 628-636 [摘要] ( 1303 ) [PDF 842KB] ( 1874 )
    QiQiang GUO, WenHui ZHANG, HuiE LI
Comparison of photosynthesis and antioxidative protection in Sophora moorcroftiana and Caragana maximovicziana under water stress
2014 Vol. 6 (5): 637-645 [摘要] ( 1383 ) [PDF 703KB] ( 1919 )
Journal of Arid Land


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