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Journal of Arid Land
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    Vol.  7 No.  3 , Pages 285-420  (2015-02-05)
    Jun ZHAO, YinFang SHI, YongSheng HUANG, JieWen FU
Uncertainties of snow cover extraction caused by the nature of topography and underlying surface
2015 Vol. 7 (3): 285-295 [摘要] ( 1039 ) [PDF 1666KB] ( 1755 )
    KeCun ZHANG, WeiMin ZHANG, LiHai TAN, ZhiShan AN, Hao ZHANG
Effects of gravel mulch on aeolian transport: a field wind tunnel simulation
2015 Vol. 7 (3): 296-303 [摘要] ( 1258 ) [PDF 1279KB] ( 1553 )
    Yi ZHOU, Bing GUO, ShiXin WANG, HePing TAO
An estimation method of soil wind erosion in Inner Mongolia of China based on geographic information system and remote sensing
2015 Vol. 7 (3): 304-317 [摘要] ( 1291 ) [PDF 2120KB] ( 1924 )
    QianQian GOU, JianJun QU, ZhiWen HAN
Microclimate and CO2 fluxes on continuous fine days in the Xihu desert wetland, China
2015 Vol. 7 (3): 318-327 [摘要] ( 1199 ) [PDF 827KB] ( 1800 )
    YuQiang LI, XueYong ZHAO, FengXia ZHANG, Tala AWADA, ShaoKun WANG, HaLin ZHAO, T
Accumulation of soil organic carbon during natural restoration of desertified grassland in China's Horqin Sandy Land
2015 Vol. 7 (3): 328-340 [摘要] ( 1576 ) [PDF 1387KB] ( 2056 )
    Hui AN, GuoQi LI
Effects of grazing on carbon and nitrogen in plants and soils in a semiarid desert grassland, China
2015 Vol. 7 (3): 341-349 [摘要] ( 1893 ) [PDF 442KB] ( 1785 )
    ZhengYang YAO, JianJun LIU, XiaoWen ZHAO, DongFeng LONG, Li WANG
Spatial dynamics of aboveground carbon stock in urban green space: a case study of Xi’an, China
2015 Vol. 7 (3): 350-360 [摘要] ( 1171 ) [PDF 1573KB] ( 1428 )
    YuGe ZHANG, Shan YANG, MingMing FU, JiangPing CAI, YongYong ZHANG,
Sheep manure application increases soil exchangeable base cations in a semi-arid steppe of Inner Mongolia
2015 Vol. 7 (3): 361-369 [摘要] ( 1169 ) [PDF 731KB] ( 1851 )
    WeiJun ZHAO, Yan ZHANG, QingKe ZHU, Wei QIN, ShuZhen PENG, Ping LI, YanMin ZHAO,
Effects of microtopography on spatial point pattern of forest stands on the semi-arid Loess Plateau, China
2015 Vol. 7 (3): 370-380 [摘要] ( 1113 ) [PDF 2825KB] ( 1258 )
    Elham G ARDESTANI, Mostafa TARKESH, Mehdi BASSIRI, Mohammad R VAHABI
Potential habitat modeling for reintroduction of three native plant species in central Iran
2015 Vol. 7 (3): 381-390 [摘要] ( 1319 ) [PDF 1539KB] ( 2214 )
    Michael J JACOBS, Catherine A SCHLOEDER, Philip D TANIMOTO
Dryland agriculture and rangeland restoration priorities in Afghanistan
2015 Vol. 7 (3): 391-402 [摘要] ( 1334 ) [PDF 1748KB] ( 2702 )
    GeFei ZHANG, WenZhi ZHAO
Species-specific traits determine shrub-annual interactions during a growing season
2015 Vol. 7 (3): 403-413 [摘要] ( 1300 ) [PDF 504KB] ( 1595 )
    ZhaoYong SHI, Bede MICKAN, Gu FENG, YingLong CHEN
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi improved plant growth and nutrient acquisition of desert ephemeral Plantago minuta under variable soil water conditions
2015 Vol. 7 (3): 414-420 [摘要] ( 1403 ) [PDF 518KB] ( 1081 )
Journal of Arid Land


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