Journal of Arid Land
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Journal of Arid Land  2017, Vol. 9 Issue (4): 558-567    DOI: 10.1007/s40333-017-0062-y
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Relative importance of climate factors and human activities in impacting vegetation dynamics during 2000–2015 in the Otindag Sandy Land, northern China
MA Wenyong1,2, WANG Xunming1,2*, ZHOU Na1,3, JIAO Linlin1,2
1 Key Laboratory of Water Cycle & Related Land Surface Processes, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China;
2 University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China;
3 College of Management Science and Engineering, Hebei University of Economics and Business, Shijiazhuang 050061, China
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Abstract In recent years, there has been increasing research interests in differentiating the relative importance of climate factors and human activities in impacting vegetation dynamics. In this study, based on residual trend method, we used MOD13A3 (MODIS vegetation index product), MCD12Q1 (MODIS land cover product) and meteorological datasets to differentiate the relative importance of climate factors and human activities in impacting vegetation dynamics during 2000–2015 in the Otindag Sandy Land, northern China. Results show that during the study period (2000–2015), the overall vegetation condition had improved in the Otindag Sandy Land. The driving forces of vegetation dynamics differed spatially in the whole study area over the study period. The area with vegetation degradation solely resulted from human activities accounted for 8.23% of the study area, while the area with vegetation degradation resulted from others (including climate factors and combination of climate factors and human activities) occupied 1.53%. The area with vegetation recovery benefitted from human activities occurred over 26.02% of the study area; the area benefitted from climate factors accounted for 23.69%; and the area benefitted from both climate factors and human activities occupied 37.74%. All in all, impacts of climate factors and human activities on vegetation dynamics varied at the county/city/banner scales and locality-specific measures should be adopted to protect the environments.
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MA Wenyong
WANG Xunming
JIAO Linlin
Key wordsvegetation   NDVI   climate factors   human factors   Otindag Sandy Land     
Received: 2016-12-17; Published: 2017-05-25

This study was supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China (2016YFA0601900) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (41401006).

Corresponding Authors: WANG Xunming    
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MA Wenyong,WANG Xunming,ZHOU Na et al. Relative importance of climate factors and human activities in impacting vegetation dynamics during 2000–2015 in the Otindag Sandy Land, northern China[J]. Journal of Arid Land, 2017, 9(4): 558-567.
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