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Journal of Arid Land was Included in Abstract Journal

Journal of Arid Land was Included in Abstract Journal, All-Russian Institute of Scientific and Technical Information (VINITI) Database

On December 22, 2010, an E-mail by Dr. Elena Raevskaya, the manager of Asia and Africa Section, All-Russian Institute of Scientific and Technical Information (VINITI), was sent to Journal Publishing Center, Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography, CAS and said “Here is some new information about the Chinese journals evaluated by our experts. Ten journals have been found informative and useful in our work and have been included in VINITI database for regular abstraction (some of these journals were reexamined by expertise).”

 The VINIT publishes Abstract Journal, which has been issued since 1953. Abstract Journal is divided into 3 types, integration, single-volume and fascicule, embodying total 220,000 journals and over 6,000 serials in 66 languages from 130 countries and regions, and over 10,000 books, and 150,000 monographs and scientific and technologic reports each year, which cover all fields of natural and applied sciences. AJ is an authentic abstracting database with the most numbers of citing publication and reporting.

AJ assessment to journals is very strict. In 2007, AJ published a list of Chinese journals which was excluded, and 28 Chinese scientific journals were in the list. In this time, 6 journal of Chinese journals were excluded.

Journal of Arid Land applied the assessment to AJ since the Journal was launched in end of 2009 and was included in the database after the Journal was strictly evaluated.


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