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1 Impacts of livestock grazing on a savanna grassland in Kenya 2012 Vol.4(1):29-35
John KIOKO, John Warui KIRINGE, Simon Ole SENO [Abstract] (3555) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 662 KB] (7752)
2 Soil organic matter amendments in date palm groves of the Middle Eastern and North African region: a mini-review 2016 Vol.8(1):77-92
Rawan MLIH, Roland BOL, Wulf AMELUNG, Nadhem BRAHIM [Abstract] (960) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 447 KB] (7045)
3 Spatial distribution of vegetation and the influencing factors in Qaidam Basin based on NDVI 2011 Vol.3(2):85-93
WenBin ZHU, AiFeng LV, ShaoFeng JIA [Abstract] (5527) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 377 KB] (7020)
4 Effect of vegetation on soil water retention and storage in a semi-arid alpine forest catchment 2013 Vol.5(2):207-219
Chao WANG, ChuanYan ZHAO, ZhongLin XU, Yang WANG, HuanHua PENG [Abstract] (2758) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 2341 KB] (6528)
5 The impact of land use change on soil organic carbon and labile organic carbon stocks in the Longzhong region of Loess Plateau 2012 Vol.4(3):241-250
LiHua ZHANG, ZhongKui XIE, RuiFeng ZHAO, YaJun WANG [Abstract] (3072) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 4241 KB] (6422)
6 The qanats of Xinjiang: historical development, characteristics and modern implications for environmental protection 2012 Vol.4(2):211-220
WenJun HU, JieBin ZHANG, YongQiang LIU [Abstract] (2971) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 343 KB] (6303)
7 Monophyly and infrageneric variation of Corispermum L. (Chenopodiaceae), evidence from sequence data psbB-psbH, rbcL and ITS 2011 Vol.3(4):240-253
JuanJuan XUE, MingLi ZHANG [Abstract] (2944) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1766 KB] (6062)
8 A spatial-explicit dynamic vegetation model that couples carbon, water, and nitrogen processes for arid and semi-arid ecosystems 2013 Vol.5(1):102-117
Chi ZHANG, ChaoFan LI, Xi CHEN, GePing LUO, LongHui LI, XiaoYu LI, Yan YAN, Hua SHAO [Abstract] (2468) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1107 KB] (5681)
9 Anatomical and morphological characteristics of Populus euphratica in the lower reaches of Tarim River under extreme drought environment 2011 Vol.3(4):261-267
Li ZHUANG, YaNing CHEN, WeiHong LI, ZhongKe WANG [Abstract] (3490) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1268 KB] (4882)
10 Biofilter: a promising tool for mitigating methane emission from manure storage 2011 Vol.3(1):61-70
Qiang HUANG, Qiang ZHANG, Nazim CICEK, Danny MANN [Abstract] (2372) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 177 KB] (4796)
11 Identification of sand and dust storm source areas in Iran 2015 Vol.7(5):567-578
CAO Hui, LIU Jian, WANG Guizhou, YANG Guang, LUO Lei [Abstract] (1024) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 485 KB] (4543)
12 Rare and endangered plant species of the Chinese Altai Mountains 2010 Vol.2(3):222-230
Marina V. OLONOVA, DaoYuan ZHANG, ShiMing DUAN, LinKe YIN, BoRong PAN [Abstract] (3611) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 442 KB] (4500)
13 Ecological migration effects on the Tianchi Scenic Area in Xinjiang: from the perspective of migrant farmer families 2012 Vol.4(1):95-104
Hong TANG, DeGang YANG, XinHuan ZHANG, XinYi XIANG [Abstract] (2505) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1926 KB] (4495)
14 Tectonic geomorphological characteristics for evolution of the Manas Lake 2010 Vol.2(3):167-173
YongHui YAO, HuiGuo LI [Abstract] (2407) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 514 KB] (4350)
15 Impact factors of soil wind erosion in the center of Taklimakan Desert 2011 Vol.3(1):9-14
Qing HE, XingHua YANG, Ali Mamtimin, ShiHao TANG [Abstract] (3189) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 239 KB] (4334)
16 Index-based assessment of agricultural drought in a semi-arid region of Inner Mongolia, China 2014 Vol.6(1):3-15
Rui LI, Atsushi TSUNEKAWA, Mitsuru TSUBO [Abstract] (1992) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 711 KB] (4328)
17 Application of stable isotope techniques to the study of soil salinization 2011 Vol.3(4):285-291
YongQin CUI, JianYing MA, Wei SUN [Abstract] (2593) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 426 KB] (4181)
18 Spatial pattern of soil organic carbon in desert grasslands of the diluvial-alluvial plains of northern Qilian Mountains 2014 Vol.6(2):136-144
Rong YANG, YongZhong SU, Min WANG, Tao WANG, Xiao YANG, GuiPing FAN, TianChang WU [Abstract] (1866) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1357 KB] (4149)
19 Effects of deficit irrigation with saline water on spring wheat growth and yield in arid Northwest China 2013 Vol.5(2):143-154
Jing JIANG, ZaiLin HUO, ShaoYuan FENG, ShaoZhong KANG, FenXing WANG, ChaoBo ZHANG [Abstract] (3104) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 420 KB] (4106)
20 Land surface temperature retrieval for arid regions based on Landsat-8 TIRS data: a case study in Shihezi, Northwest China 2014 Vol.6(6):704-716
Lei YANG, YunGang CAO, XiaoHua ZHU, ShengHe ZENG, GuoJiang YANG, JiangYong HE, XiuChun YANG [Abstract] (1832) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 5399 KB] (4088)
21 Comparison of seed germination of four Artemisia species (Asteraceae) in northeastern Inner Mongolia, China 2012 Vol.4(1):36-42
XueHua LI, DeMing JIANG, Alamusa, QuanLai ZHOU, Toshio OSHIDA [Abstract] (2610) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 505 KB] (3927)
22 Vegetation cover change and the driving factors over northwest China 2011 Vol.3(1):25-33
ShengPei DAI, Bo ZHANG, HaiJun WANG, YaMin WANG, LingXia GUO, XingMei WANG, Dan LI [Abstract] (5908) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 468 KB] (3864)
23 Isolation and identification of desert habituated arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi newly reported from the Arabian Peninsula 2014 Vol.6(4):488-497
Sarah SYMANCZIK, Janusz B?ASZKOWSKI, Sally KOEGEL, Thomas BOLLER, Andres WIEMKEN, Mohamed N AL-YAHYA'EI. [Abstract] (1434) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 378 KB] (3847)
24 Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal colonization of  Glycyrrhiza glabra roots enhances plant biomass, phosphorus uptake and concentration of root secondary metabolites 2014 Vol.6(2):186-194
HongLing LIU, Yong TAN, Monika NELL, Karin ZITTER-EGLSEER, Chris WAWSCRAH, Brigitte KOPP, ShaoMing WANG, Johannes NOVAK [Abstract] (1716) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1929 KB] (3669)
25 Recommending the IHACRES model for water resources assessment and resolving water conflicts in Africa 2011 Vol.3(1):40-48
Samir Mohammad Ali Alredaisy [Abstract] (2760) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 220 KB] (3580)
26 Dynamics of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi associated with desert ephemeral plants in Gurbantunggut Desert 2012 Vol.4(1):43-51
Tao ZHANG, ChangYan TIAN, Yu SUN, DengSha BAI, Gu FENG [Abstract] (3439) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 596 KB] (3497)
27 Soil water and salt distribution under furrow irrigation of saline water with plastic mulch on ridge 2013 Vol.5(1):60-70
LiJuan CHEN, Qi FENG [Abstract] (2472) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 613 KB] (3445)
28 Saline dust storms and their ecological impacts in arid regions 2010 Vol.2(2):144-150
Jilili Abuduwaili, DongWei LIU, GuangYang WU [Abstract] (2529) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 210 KB] (3433)
29 Variability and divergence in horsegram (Dolichos uniflorus) 2012 Vol.4(1):71-76
Kanaka K DURGA [Abstract] (2214) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 442 KB] (3421)
30 Fauna of Heteroptera in the deserts of Kazakhstan 2011 Vol.3(4):303-305
Yesenbekova Perizat Abdykairovna [Abstract] (2785) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 349 KB] (3415)
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