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1 Vegetation dynamics and its response to climate change in Central Asia 2016 Vol.8(3):375-388
YIN Gang, HU Zengyun, CHEN Xi, TIYIP Tashpolat [Abstract] (1125) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 732 KB] (1709)
2 Plant assemblage and diversity variation with human disturbances in coastal habitats of the western Arabian Gulf 2016 Vol.8(5):787-798
Raafat H ABD EL-WAHAB [Abstract] (601) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 248 KB] (2211)
3 A spatial-explicit dynamic vegetation model that couples carbon, water, and nitrogen processes for arid and semi-arid ecosystems 2013 Vol.5(1):102-117
Chi ZHANG, ChaoFan LI, Xi CHEN, GePing LUO, LongHui LI, XiaoYu LI, Yan YAN, Hua SHAO [Abstract] (2468) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1107 KB] (5682)
4 Characteristics of deep drainage and soil water in the mobile sandy lands of Inner Mongolia, northern China 2015 Vol.7(2):238-250
XinPing LIU, YuHui HE, XueYong ZHAO, TongHui ZHANG, LaMei ZHANG, YunHua MA, ShuXia YAO, ShaoKun WANG, ShuiLian WEI [Abstract] (1769) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 365 KB] (2338)
5 Monophyly and infrageneric variation of Corispermum L. (Chenopodiaceae), evidence from sequence data psbB-psbH, rbcL and ITS 2011 Vol.3(4):240-253
JuanJuan XUE, MingLi ZHANG [Abstract] (2944) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1766 KB] (6064)
6 Mapping aboveground biomass by integrating geospatial and forest inventory data through a k-nearest neighbor strategy in North Central Mexico 2014 Vol.6(1):80-96
Carlos A AGUIRRE-SALADO, Eduardo J TREVI?O-GARZA, Oscar A AGUIRRE-CALDERóN, Javier JIMéNEZ-PéREZ, Marco A GONZáLEZ-TAGLE, José R VALDéZ-LAZALDE, Guillermo SáNCHEZ-DíAZ, Reija HAAPANEN, et al. [Abstract] (1475) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 3616 KB] (2306)
7 The qanats of Xinjiang: historical development, characteristics and modern implications for environmental protection 2012 Vol.4(2):211-220
WenJun HU, JieBin ZHANG, YongQiang LIU [Abstract] (2971) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 343 KB] (6304)
8 Invasion syndromes: hypotheses on relationships among invasive species attributes and characteristics of invaded sites 2013 Vol.5(3):275-283
Lora B PERKINS, Robert S NOWAK [Abstract] (1245) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 601 KB] (1912)
9 Influence of vegetation parameters on runoff and sediment characteristics in patterned Artemisia capillaris plots 2014 Vol.6(3):352-360
GuanHua ZHANG, GuoBin LIU, PingCang ZHANG, Liang YI [Abstract] (1753) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 425 KB] (1762)
10 Coastal environment of the past millennium recorded by a coastal dune in Fujian, China 2016 Vol.8(5):707-721
JIN Jianhui, LI Zhizhong, JIANG Feng, DENG Tao, HU Fan’gen, LING Zhiyong [Abstract] (548) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 605 KB] (1032)
11 Spatial-temporal dynamics of desert vegetation and its responses to climatic variations over the last three decades: a case study of Hexi region in Northwest China 2016 Vol.8(4):556-568
YANG Xuemei, LIU Shizeng, YANG Taibao, XU Xianying, KANG Caizhou, TANG Jinnian, WEI Huaidong, Mihretab G GHEBREZGABHER, LI Zhiqi [Abstract] (965) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 478 KB] (1525)
12 Mechanisms of bush encroachment and its inter-connection with rangeland degradation in semi-arid African ecosystems: a review 2017 Vol.9(2):299-312
Anteneh BELAYNEH, Zewdu K TESSEMA [Abstract] (360) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 159 KB] (1851)
13 Biofilter: a promising tool for mitigating methane emission from manure storage 2011 Vol.3(1):61-70
Qiang HUANG, Qiang ZHANG, Nazim CICEK, Danny MANN [Abstract] (2372) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 177 KB] (4796)
14 Spatial distribution pattern of Picea schrenkiana population in the Middle Tianshan Mountains and the relationship with topographic attributes 2012 Vol.4(4):457-468
YuTao ZHANG, JiMei LI, ShunLi CHANG, Xiang LI, JianJiang LU [Abstract] (1888) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1331 KB] (2399)
15 The impact of land use change on soil organic carbon and labile organic carbon stocks in the Longzhong region of Loess Plateau 2012 Vol.4(3):241-250
LiHua ZHANG, ZhongKui XIE, RuiFeng ZHAO, YaJun WANG [Abstract] (3072) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 4241 KB] (6423)
16 Spatio-temporal patterns of satellite-derived grassland vegetation phenology from 1998 to 2012 in Inner Mongolia, China 2016 Vol.8(3):462-477
SHA Zongyao, ZHONG Jialin, BAI Yongfei, TAN Xicheng, Jonathan LI [Abstract] (919) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 444 KB] (1337)
17 Soil properties and herbaceous characteristics in an age sequence of Haloxylon ammodendron plantations in an oasis-desert ecotone of northwestern China 2016 Vol.8(6):960-973
ZHANG Ke, SU Yongzhong, WANG Ting, LIU Tingna [Abstract] (544) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 708 KB] (1228)
18 On sustaining the ecology and livestock industry of the Bayanbuluk Grasslands 2010 Vol.2(1):57-63
Adrian R WILLIAMS [Abstract] (2110) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 185 KB] (1812)
19 The migration of total dissolved solids during natural freezing process in Ulansuhai Lake 2012 Vol.4(1):85-94
Yan ZHANG, ChangYou LI, XiaoHong SHI, Chao LI [Abstract] (3463) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 833 KB] (2214)
20 Spatio-temporal patterns of drought in North Xinjiang, China, 1961–2012 based on meteorological drought index 2015 Vol.7(4):527-543
WU Yanfeng, Batur BAKE, ZHANG Jusong, Hamid RASULOV [Abstract] (1424) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1547 KB] (2128)
21 Seasonal and inter-annual variations in carbon fluxes and evapotranspiration over cotton field under drip irrigation with plastic mulch in an arid region of Northwest China 2015 Vol.7(2):272-284
Jie BAI, Jin WANG, Xi CHEN, GePing LUO, Hao SHI, LongHui LI, JunLi LI [Abstract] (1205) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 475 KB] (2603)
22 Evaporative enrichment of stable isotopes (δ18O and δD) in lake water and the relation to lake-level change of Lake Qinghai, Northeast Tibetan Plateau of China 2015 Vol.7(5):623-635
WU Huawu, LI Xiaoyan, LI Jing, JIANG Zhiyun, LI Guangyong, LIU Lei [Abstract] (1296) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 435 KB] (1741)
23 Water adaptive traits of deep-rooted C3 halophyte (Karelinia caspica (Pall.) Less.) and shallow-rooted C4 halophyte (Atriplex tatarica L.) in an arid region, Northwest China 2012 Vol.4(4):469-478
Yuan FAN, PinFang LI, ZhenAn HOU, TuSheng REN, ChunLian XIONG, Biao ZHANG [Abstract] (2475) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 608 KB] (2167)
24 Dynamic changes of a typical linear dune in the Tengger Desert 2010 Vol.2(4):272-278
KeCun ZHANG, KenJi KAI, JianJun QU, YuQuan LING, QingHe NIU [Abstract] (2399) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 622 KB] (2647)
25 Vegetation cover change and the driving factors over northwest China 2011 Vol.3(1):25-33
ShengPei DAI, Bo ZHANG, HaiJun WANG, YaMin WANG, LingXia GUO, XingMei WANG, Dan LI [Abstract] (5908) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 468 KB] (3866)
26 Rhizosphere organic phosphorus fractions of Simon poplar and Mongolian pine plantations in a semiarid sandy land of northeastern China 2015 Vol.7(4):475-480
ZHAO Qiong, WANG Hongquan, YU Zhanyuan, ZENG Dehui [Abstract] (1073) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 75 KB] (1430)
27 Anatomical and morphological characteristics of Populus euphratica in the lower reaches of Tarim River under extreme drought environment 2011 Vol.3(4):261-267
Li ZHUANG, YaNing CHEN, WeiHong LI, ZhongKe WANG [Abstract] (3490) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1268 KB] (4884)
28 Comparison of seed germination of four Artemisia species (Asteraceae) in northeastern Inner Mongolia, China 2012 Vol.4(1):36-42
XueHua LI, DeMing JIANG, Alamusa, QuanLai ZHOU, Toshio OSHIDA [Abstract] (2610) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 505 KB] (3929)
29 Impact of sand burial on maize (Zea mays L.) productivity and soil quality in Horqin sandy cropland, Inner Mongolia, China 2016 Vol.8(4):569-578
WANG Shaokun, ZHAO Xueyong, ZHAO Halin, LIAN Jie, LUO Yongqing, YUN Jianying [Abstract] (700) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 170 KB] (1301)
30 Natural heritage values and comparative analyses of Kanas, China 2010 Vol.2(3):197-206
ZhaoPing YANG, XiaoLei ZHANG, Feng DI, Geoffrey WALL, XinYu LIU, Rui SHAO [Abstract] (2430) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 282 KB] (2541)
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