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Journal of Arid Land Selected for Centre for Agriculture and Bioscience Abstracts

On November 30, 2011, the editorial office of Journal of Arid Land (JAL) received two E-mails from the Centre for Agriculture and Bioscience International (CABI) Head Office in the UK and the E-mail said that JAL has been accepted by CABI for indexing in Centre for Agriculture and Bioscience Abstracts (CAB Abstracts).

CAB Abstracts is the most comprehensive database of its kind, giving researchers instant access to over 6.3 million records from 1973 onwards, with over 300,000 abstracts added each year. Each record has been hand-selected by their subject specialists from over 7,500 serials, books and conference proceedings, ensuring unparalleled coverage. Its coverage of the applied life sciences includes agriculture, environment, veterinary sciences, applied economics, food science and nutrition.

The embodying of JAL by CAB Abstracts will enhance the academic reputation and expand the international influence of JAL. The staffs of the editorial office of JAL greatly appreciate the support of authors and readers and warmly welcome the contribution from the researchers who engages in scientific researches in arid regions.


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