· Executive editor-in-chief, full time, one position
Duration of Employment
· 5-year contract (with a possibility of extending the contract after 5-year service)
Duties and Responsibilities
· Overseeing the editorial office to ensure efficient operations of the office;
· Assuring the qualities of all publishing papers and the timely release of each issue;
· Managing all other relevant matters including: ?communications with publishers and sponsors; ? budget proposals; ? solicitations of high-quality contributors (authors) and high-quality reviewers.
Competences and Skills
· English as the mother tongue (i.e., native English speaker);
· University professor or associate professor or an equivalent (including retired) in the countries where English is the official language (note: experience in editing or guest-editing academic journals is highly preferred);
· Demonstrated strong credentials in scientific researches and in academic publications;
Compensation and Benefits
Annual salary: ¥300,000–¥350,000 (RMB) / $47,000–$55,000(USD)
Required Materials
· Application form (click here to download);
· A full CV including education, work experiences, major academic achievements (especially research grants and academic publications), and a brief description of your qualifications related to this position;
· Proofs of your employments, copies of qualification certificates (e.g., diploma) and ID card or passport;
· Reference letters from three professionals in the relevant research areas.
Application Procedure
· Send your CV, cover letter, reference letters and other documents as required to the contact person.
· Only applicants who are shortlisted will be contacted.
Contact Info
· Contact person:
· Ms. ZHANG Haiyan
· Mailing address
· Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography, Chinese Academy of Sciences
818 South Beijing Road, Urumqi 830011, P R China
· Phone: +86 991 788 5369
· E-mail: hyzhang@ms.xjb.ac.cn