土木工程学报  2021, Vol. 54 Issue (12): 41-52    
  桥梁工程 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 | 高级检索 |
1. 兰州大学, 甘肃兰州 730000;2. 哈尔滨工业大学结构工程灾变与控制教育部重点实验室, 黑龙江哈尔滨 150090
Interfacial interaction and deformation characteristics of composite beams with interfacial slip considered
Wang Huaping1,2
1. Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730000, China;
2. Harbin Institute of Technology Key Lab of Structures Dynamic Behavior and Control of the Ministry of Education, Harbin 150090, China
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摘要 钢-混凝土组合结构是现代土木工程中最重要的结构类型之一,界面粘结状态是组合结构维持性能的关键。在组合结构承载时,应用广泛的柔性抗剪连接件在传递剪力过程中易变形,从而导致钢梁和混凝土翼板的接触界面发生滑移,降低组合梁的刚度,影响其安全稳定服役性能。因此,需要从力学建模角度了解组合梁结构的界面作用机理,讨论滑移效应的发生机理,并有针对性地优化设计组合梁结构,避免或延缓界面滑移的产生。鉴于此,该文提出了一种新的理论模型探讨钢-混凝土组合梁结构的界面作用机理和力学行为特征。该分析以弹性理论为基础,引入界面粘结滑移模型假定以考虑滑移效应对结构性能的影响,并给出了解析方程定量描述滑移分布规律。通过与试验结果对比论证所推导的界面滑移位移和形变特征解析表达式的有效性。在此基础上,探讨了组合梁相关几何材料特征参数对滑移的敏感程度。通过前述理论建模和参数分析,给出了组合梁结构界面滑移损伤控制的最优设计参数以获取最佳承载性能。区别于普遍应用的能量法、数值法和有限元法,该文首次给出了一种新型、简洁和直观的解析解描述组合梁全跨范围内的界面作用机理。
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关键词 组合结构 滑移效应 界面作用 变形特征 界面损伤控制 最优设计    
Abstract:Steel-concrete composite structures are one of the most important structures in modern civil engineering, and the interfacial bonding state is quite significant for maintaining the structural performance of the composite structures. When loads are applied to composite structures, the extensively used flexible shear connectors for transferring the shear force may easily deform, which leads to the occurrence of interfacial slip between the steel beam and the concrete slab, the decrease in the stiffness of the composite beam, and weakening of the safe and stable service performance. Therefore, it is particularly significant to understand the interfacial interaction of the composite beams based on mechanical modelling, explore the occurrence of the slip, and propose targeted optimal design to avoid or postpone the interfacial slip. For this reason, a novel theoretical model for the interfacial interaction and mechanical properties of the steel-concrete composites is established. Based on the theory of elastic mechanics, the interfacial bond-slip model is introduced to consider the influence of slip on the structural performance of the composites, and analytical solutions of the interfacial slip are provided to quantitatively describe the distribution law of slip. By comparing with experimental results, the effectiveness of the analytical formula of interfacial slip and deformation characteristics is validated. Furthermore, sensitivity of the material and geometrical parameters of composite beams to the interfacial slip is investigated. Throughthe theoretical modelling and parametric analysis, priority design parameters of the composite beams are suggested to control the interfacial slip damage and achieve the optimum bearing capacity. Different from the commonly used energy methods, numerical methods and finite element methods, a novel, concise and straightforward analytical solution for describing the interfacial interaction of composite beams in the whole span is proposed for the first time.
Key wordscomposite structures    slip effect    interfacial interaction    deformation characteristics    interfacial damage control    optimum design
王花平. 考虑滑移效应的组合梁界面作用机理及形变特征[J]. 土木工程学报, 2021, 54(12): 41-52.
Wang Huaping. Interfacial interaction and deformation characteristics of composite beams with interfacial slip considered. 土木工程学报, 2021, 54(12): 41-52.
http://manu36.magtech.com.cn/Jwk_tmgcxb/CN/     或     http://manu36.magtech.com.cn/Jwk_tmgcxb/CN/Y2021/V54/I12/41
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