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    Vol.  4 No.  3 , Pages 231-348  (03 September 2012)
    FengNian WANG, BaoSheng LI, JiangLong WANG, XiaoHao WEN, DongFeng NIU, ZhiWen LI, YueJun SI, YiHua GUO, ShuHuan DU
Pleniglacial millennium-scale climate variations in northern China based on records from the Salawusu River Valley
2012 Vol. 4 (3): 231-240 [Abstract] ( 1940 ) [PDF 855KB] ( 2434 )  
    LiHua ZHANG, ZhongKui XIE, RuiFeng ZHAO, YaJun WANG
The impact of land use change on soil organic carbon and labile organic carbon stocks in the Longzhong region of Loess Plateau
2012 Vol. 4 (3): 241-250 [Abstract] ( 3072 ) [PDF 4241KB] ( 6423 )  
    Inma LEBRON, Milton Earl MCGIFFEN Jr, Donald Louis SUAREZ
The effect of total carbon on microscopic soil properties and implications for crop production
2012 Vol. 4 (3): 251-259 [Abstract] ( 2047 ) [PDF 2262KB] ( 3227 )  
    HongJun LI, WeiYi MAO, Yong ZHAO, MinZhong WANG, Wen HUO
Trends and abrupt changes in surface vapor content over Tarim Basin during the last 50 years
2012 Vol. 4 (3): 260-270 [Abstract] ( 2111 ) [PDF 793KB] ( 2000 )  
    HongBo LING, HaiLiang XU, JinYi FU, XinHua LIU
Surface runoff processes and sustainable utilization of water resources in Manas River Basin, Xinjiang, China
2012 Vol. 4 (3): 271-280 [Abstract] ( 2710 ) [PDF 655KB] ( 2080 )  
    Yang ZHAO, ChuanYan ZHAO, ZhongLin XU, YiYue LIU, Yao WANG, Chao WANG, HuanHua PENG, XiangLin ZHENG
Physiological responses of Populus euphratica Oliv. to groundwater table variations in the lower reaches of Heihe River, Northwest China
2012 Vol. 4 (3): 281-291 [Abstract] ( 2529 ) [PDF 15291KB] ( 1711 )  
The effect of water spreading system on the functionality of rangeland ecosystems
2012 Vol. 4 (3): 292-299 [Abstract] ( 2222 ) [PDF 4454KB] ( 2801 )  
    KaiBo WANG, ZhouPing SHANGGUAN
Simulating the vegetation-producing process in small watersheds in the Loess Plateau of China
2012 Vol. 4 (3): 300-309 [Abstract] ( 2748 ) [PDF 1908KB] ( 2366 )  
    QiuXiang YI, AnMing BAO, Yi LUO, Jin ZHAO
Measuring cotton water status using water-related vegetation indices at leaf and canopy levels
2012 Vol. 4 (3): 310-319 [Abstract] ( 2650 ) [PDF 599KB] ( 2411 )  
    ChangZhou WEI, TengFei MA, XiaoJuan WANG, Juan WANG
The fate of fertilizer N applied to cotton in relation to irrigation methods and N dosage in arid area
2012 Vol. 4 (3): 320-329 [Abstract] ( 2558 ) [PDF 428KB] ( 2461 )  
    Ke ZHANG, ChangYan TIAN, ChunJian LI
Root growth and spatio-temporal distribution of three common annual halophytes in a saline desert, northern Xinjiang
2012 Vol. 4 (3): 330-341 [Abstract] ( 2422 ) [PDF 2950KB] ( 2233 )  
    Li LI, XinWen XU, YongQiang SU, Wei HAN, PengFei TU
Effects of parasitic plant Cistanche deserticola on chlorophyll a fluorescence and nutrient accumulation of host plant Haloxylon ammodendron in the Taklimakan Desert
2012 Vol. 4 (3): 342-348 [Abstract] ( 3105 ) [PDF 468KB] ( 3049 )  
Journal of Arid Land


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Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography, Chinese Academy of Sciences
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China Science & Technology Journal
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