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    Vol.  4 No.  4 , Pages 349-478  (15 December 2012)
    Tserenpurev BAT-OYUN, Masato SHINODA, Mitsuru TSUBO
Effects of cloud, atmospheric water vapor, and dust on photosynthetically active radiation and total solar radiation in a Mongolian grassland
2012 Vol. 4 (4): 349-356 [Abstract] ( 2289 ) [PDF 489KB] ( 2311 )  
    Jie ZHANG, XingMing LI
Vertical distribution of sand-dust aerosols and the relationships with atmospheric environment
2012 Vol. 4 (4): 357-368 [Abstract] ( 2200 ) [PDF 1648KB] ( 2456 )  
    MinZhong WANG, WenShou WEI, Qing HE, XinChun LIU, ZhongJie ZHAO
Application of wind profiler data to rainfall analyses in Tazhong Oilfield region, Xinjiang, China
2012 Vol. 4 (4): 369-377 [Abstract] ( 2201 ) [PDF 568KB] ( 1687 )  
    Qi FENG, JiaZhong PENG, JianGuo LI, HaiYang XI, JianHua SI
Using the concept of ecological groundwater level to evaluate shallow groundwater resources in hyperarid desert regions
2012 Vol. 4 (4): 378-389 [Abstract] ( 2022 ) [PDF 813KB] ( 1969 )  
    Yue HUANG, Xi CHEN, YongPing LI, AnMing BAO, YongGang MA
A simulation-based two-stage interval-stochastic programming model for water resources management in Kaidu-Konqi watershed, China
2012 Vol. 4 (4): 390-398 [Abstract] ( 2042 ) [PDF 1495KB] ( 1996 )  
    XinHuan ZHANG, DeGang YANG1 XinYi XIANG, Xiang HUANG
Impact of agricultural development on variation in surface runoff in arid regions: a case of the Aksu River Basin
2012 Vol. 4 (4): 399-410 [Abstract] ( 1909 ) [PDF 641KB] ( 1956 )  
    YinPing CHEN, YuQiang LI, Tala AWADA, JuanJuan HAN, YongQing LUO
Carbon sequestration in the total and light fraction soil organic matter along a chronosequence in grazing exclosures in a semiarid degraded sandy site in China
2012 Vol. 4 (4): 411-419 [Abstract] ( 2453 ) [PDF 524KB] ( 1792 )  
    Yan JIAO, Zhu XU, JiaoHong ZHAO, WenZhu YANG
Changes in soil carbon stocks and related soil properties along a 50-year grassland-to-cropland conversion chronosequence in an agro-pastoral ecotone of Inner Mongolia, China
2012 Vol. 4 (4): 420-430 [Abstract] ( 2319 ) [PDF 506KB] ( 2022 )  
    QuanLai ZHOU, DeMing JIANG, ZhiMin LIU, Alamusa, XueHua LI, YongMing LUO, HongMei WANG
The return and loss of litter phosphorus in different types of sand dunes in Horqin Sandy Land, northeastern China
2012 Vol. 4 (4): 431-440 [Abstract] ( 2122 ) [PDF 835KB] ( 2298 )  
    Jilili ABUDUWAILI, Yang TANG, Mireban ABULIMITI, DongWei LIU, Long MA
Spatial distribution of soil moisture, salinity and organic matter in Manas River watershed, Xinjiang, China
2012 Vol. 4 (4): 441-449 [Abstract] ( 1943 ) [PDF 404KB] ( 1908 )  
    YanYun LUO, TingXi LIU, XiXi WANG, LiMin DUAN
Influences of landform as a confounding variable on SOM-NDVI association in semiarid Ordos Plateau
2012 Vol. 4 (4): 450-456 [Abstract] ( 2092 ) [PDF 2474KB] ( 1940 )  
    YuTao ZHANG, JiMei LI, ShunLi CHANG, Xiang LI, JianJiang LU
Spatial distribution pattern of Picea schrenkiana population in the Middle Tianshan Mountains and the relationship with topographic attributes
2012 Vol. 4 (4): 457-468 [Abstract] ( 1888 ) [PDF 1331KB] ( 2400 )  
    Yuan FAN, PinFang LI, ZhenAn HOU, TuSheng REN, ChunLian XIONG, Biao ZHANG
Water adaptive traits of deep-rooted C3 halophyte (Karelinia caspica (Pall.) Less.) and shallow-rooted C4 halophyte (Atriplex tatarica L.) in an arid region, Northwest China
2012 Vol. 4 (4): 469-478 [Abstract] ( 2475 ) [PDF 608KB] ( 2167 )  
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