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    Vol.  6 No.  6 , Pages 647-782  (10 December 2014)
    Anya Catherine C ARGUELLES, MinJae JUNG, Kristine Joy B MALLARI, GiJung PAK, Hafzullah AKSOY, Levent M KAVVAS, Ebru ERIS, JaeYoung YOON, YoungJoon LEE, SeonHwa HONG
Evaluation of an erosion-sediment transport model for a hillslope using laboratory flume data
2014 Vol. 6 (6): 647-655 [Abstract] ( 1278 ) [PDF 404KB] ( 2234 )  
    Long WAN, Jun XIA, HongMei BU, Si HONG, JunXu CHEN, LiKe NING
Sensitivity and vulnerability of water resources in the arid Shiyang River Basin of Northwest China
2014 Vol. 6 (6): 656-667 [Abstract] ( 1376 ) [PDF 1112KB] ( 1755 )  
    XiaoXiao ZHANG, Xi CHEN, YuHong GUO, ZiFa WANG, LianYou LIU, Cottle PAUL, ShengYu LI, HuaWei PI
Ambient TSP concentration and dustfall variation in Urumqi, China
2014 Vol. 6 (6): 668-677 [Abstract] ( 1396 ) [PDF 984KB] ( 1502 )  
    XiaoLi YANG, LiLiang REN, Yi LIU, DongLai JIAO, ShanHu JIANG
Hydrological response to land use and land cover changes in a sub-watershed of West Liaohe River Basin, China
2014 Vol. 6 (6): 678-689 [Abstract] ( 1399 ) [PDF 842KB] ( 2033 )  
    Ali Al-MAKTOUMI, Said Al-ISMAILY, Anvar KACIMOV, Hamed Al-BUSAIDI, Said Al-SAQRI, Mansour Al-HADABI
Soil substrate as a cascade of capillary barriers for conserving water in a desert environment: lessons learned from arid nature
2014 Vol. 6 (6): 690-703 [Abstract] ( 1443 ) [PDF 666KB] ( 2060 )  
    Lei YANG, YunGang CAO, XiaoHua ZHU, ShengHe ZENG, GuoJiang YANG, JiangYong HE, XiuChun YANG
Land surface temperature retrieval for arid regions based on Landsat-8 TIRS data: a case study in Shihezi, Northwest China
2014 Vol. 6 (6): 704-716 [Abstract] ( 1832 ) [PDF 5399KB] ( 4089 )  
    GuiXiang HE, KaiHui LI, XueJun LIU, YanMing GONG, YuKun HU
Fluxes of methane, carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide in an alpine wetland and an alpine grassland of the Tianshan Mountains, China
2014 Vol. 6 (6): 717-724 [Abstract] ( 1274 ) [PDF 518KB] ( 1836 )  
    Lei HUANG, ZhiShan ZHANG, XinRong LI
Carbon fixation and its influence factors of biological soil crusts in a revegetated area of the Tengger Desert, northern China
2014 Vol. 6 (6): 725-734 [Abstract] ( 1300 ) [PDF 952KB] ( 2012 )  
    Flavia Alejandra FUNK, Alejandro LOYDI, Guadalupe PETER
Effects of biological soil crusts and drought on emergence and survival of a Patagonian perennial grass in the Monte of Argentina
2014 Vol. 6 (6): 735-741 [Abstract] ( 1321 ) [PDF 281KB] ( 1670 )  
    YanMin ZHAO, QingKe ZHU, Ping LI, LeiLei ZHAO, LuLu WANG, XueLiang ZHENG, Huan MA
Effects of artificially cultivated biological soil crusts on soil nutrients and biological activities in the Loess Plateau
2014 Vol. 6 (6): 742-752 [Abstract] ( 1352 ) [PDF 292KB] ( 2608 )  
    Abdallah ATIA, Mokded RABHI, Ahmed DEBEZ, Chedly ABDELLY, Houda GOUIA, Chiraz CHAFFEI HAOUARI, Abderrazak SMAOUI
Ecophysiological aspects in 105 plants species of saline and arid environments in Tunisia
2014 Vol. 6 (6): 762-770 [Abstract] ( 1151 ) [PDF 297KB] ( 2608 )  
    Jin LI, Hao QU, HaLin ZHAO, RuiLian ZHOU, JianYing YUN, ChengChen PAN
Growth and physiological responses of Agriophyllum squarrosum to sand burial stress
2014 Vol. 6 (6): 771-781 [Abstract] ( 1121 ) [PDF 416KB] ( 2529 )  
    Lu GONG, ChangJun LI, Tashpolat TIYIP
Relations between soil heterogeneity and common reed (Phragmites australis Trin. ex Steud.) colonization in Keriya River Basin, Xinjiang of China
2014 Vol. 6 (6): 753-761 [Abstract] ( 1153 ) [PDF 503KB] ( 1986 )  
Journal of Arid Land


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Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography, Chinese Academy of Sciences
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