Experimental investigation of flexural cracking development, self-healing and leakage#br#
in reinforced concrete tank walls#br#
Gao Lin Guo Endong Zhao Ying Liu Zhi Liu Shuhong
1. Key Laboratory of Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration, Institute of Engineering Mechanics,China Earthquake Administration, Harbin 150080, China;
2. Chongqing University of Arts and Sciences,
Chongqing 402160, China; 3. Northeast Forestry University, Harbin 150040, China
Abstract:Cracks in liquid containing structures are the main reason for liquid leakage. Crack width is limited to ensure durability and function in water tank design codes and specifications. The earthquake damage classifications of tanks are based on the extent of cracking and liquid leakage. A full-scale experiment of reinforced concrete tank wall under high eccentricity tension has been done, good self-healing performance of concrete cracks are verified and crack width limits of basic intact, slight damage classification are proposed to increase 0.1mm, which can be used as reference for practical applications. It is found that the compression zone developed in the section as a result of flexural stresses can effectively prevent leakage through the crack. The width limits of different types cracks should be treated differently, and the crack width and compressive zone height should be specified for flexural cracks. The earthquake damage classification of tanks needs to comprehensively consider factors such as leakage, crack length, width, distribution density and maintenance availability after an earthquake.
[J]. 土木工程学报, 2016, 49(3): 98-104.
Gao Lin Guo Endong Zhao Ying Liu Zhi Liu Shuhong. Experimental investigation of flexural cracking development, self-healing and leakage#br#
in reinforced concrete tank walls#br#. 土木工程学报, 2016, 49(3): 98-104.