胡少伟 胡 亮
南京水利科学研究院, 江苏南京 210024
Comparative study on shear fracture process of concrete with two different loading methods
Hu Shaowei Hu Liang
Nanjing Hydraulic Research Institute, Nanjing 210024, China
摘要 采用室内试验和数值模拟相结合的方法分析半边对称加载法和四点剪切加载法的联系与区别。首先对不同参数的半边对称加载试件和四点剪切梁分
关键词 :
混凝土 ,
剪切断裂 ,
断裂韧度 ,
Abstract :The connection and difference between symmetrically single-edge notched loading method and four-point shear loading method
were analyzed based on lab tests and numerical simulations. Tests were carried out for two different types of specimens to study crack
propagation pattern and fracture toughness. Then, the extended finite element method was employed to study the stress distribution near
the crack tip. Results show that for symmetrically single-edge notched specimens, shear stress near crack tip is much larger than
tension stress perpendicular to the predefined notch. Crack propagates along the direction of original predefined notch, and fracture
toughness is independent of initial length of notch, but it may increase with the increase of specimen length and the decrease of
specimen height. Near the crack tip of four-point shear loading beam specimens, the magnitude of shear stress is similar to that of the
maximum principal stress. Near the loading points, fracture toughness is independent of beam size, but it may increase with the increase
of initial crack length and the shortening of distance between predefined crack and near-end loading point.
Key words :
shear fracture
fracture toughness
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