Abstract:The near influence of hanger cable force in large-span self-anchored suspension bridges is studied by theoretical calculation
and model test. Suitable structural states to the cable force’s influence are analyzed and the reason that some hangers’ cable force
plunges without the influence of adjacent hanger tensioning is illustrated. The influence of structural system transformation’ on
adjacent and other hangers is presented. The relationship between the primary source of final cable force and reduction caused by the
tensioning of adjacent hanger cables is revealed. The research results show that the near influence of the cable tensioned is only
effective after the transformation of structural system is finished. Hanger-tension’s reduction on the forces of adjacent hangers are
different under asymmetric tensioning and symmetrical tensioning. The influence range of hanger cable tensioning is related to the
magnitude of initial tensioning force and the gravity stiffness of the main cable. Hangers except adjacent hangers were effected in
almost the same degree when one hanger cable is tensioned. Cable forces of adjacent hangers and other hangers will be affected by the
transformation of structural system in different ways. The primary source of final cable force is mainly from the tensioning of adjacent
hanger cables. The source of final forces of most hangers is the cumulative effect of the non-adjacent hangers which were tensioned in
the first stage. While the final forces of the hangers which were tensioned in the last stage are mainly from tensioning.