土木工程学报  2020, Vol. 53 Issue (10): 51-61, 71    
  结构工程 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 | 高级检索 |
基于SMA和ECC复合材料的功能自恢复剪力墙#br# 抗震性能试验研究
钱辉1 康莉萍1 郭院成1 李宗翱1 Shamim A Sheikh1,2
1. 郑州大学,河南郑州450001;2. 多伦多大学,加拿大多伦多M5S 2E8
Experimental study on seismic behavior of self-centering shear wall reinforced #br# with shape memory alloy bars and engineered cementitious composites
Qian Hui1 Kang Liping1 Guo Yuancheng1 Li Zongao1 Shamim A Sheikh1,2
1. Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou 450001,China;2. Unirersity of Toronto,Toronto M5S 2E8,Canada
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摘要 剪力墙作为高层建筑广泛采用的水平抗侧力构件,承担着结构绝大部分的水平地震作用。因此,剪力墙受力性能的优劣对整个建筑结构的抗震性能尤为重要。为提高剪力墙的变形能力,减小剪力墙的损伤和残余变形,实现震后的快速恢复,提出一种具有自复位功能的剪力墙。在该剪力墙塑性铰区采用形状记忆合金筋(Shape Memory Alloy,简称SMA)替代纵向钢筋,实现墙体的自复位功能;采用工程水泥基复合材料(Engineered Cementitious Composites,简称ECC)替代普通混凝土,解决混凝土的脆性剥落损伤。为检验新型剪力墙的抗震性能,设计制作4个剪力墙试件,分别为普通混凝土剪力墙、高延性ECC增强剪力墙、超弹性SMA增强剪力墙和SMA和ECC共同增强剪力墙,并进行低周往复荷载试验,对比分析剪力墙的破坏模式以及承载力、自复位能力、延性、耗能能力等抗震性能。研究结果表明:与普通钢筋混凝土剪力墙相比,SMA和ECC共同增强剪力墙不仅损伤小,实现功能的快速修复,而且自复位能力达到85%以上,构件复位效果显著;同时表现出较好的延性。
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钱辉 康莉萍 郭院成 李宗翱 Shamim A Sheikh
关键词 形状记忆合金 纤维增强水泥基复合材料 自复位 剪力墙 抗震性能    
Abstract:As a widely used structural member of bearing lateral shear force in high-rise buildings, the shear wall undertakes most of the horizontal seismic action of the structure. Therefore, the mechanical behavior of shear wall may significantly affect the seismic performance of the whole building structure. To improve the deformability and self-repairing ability, reduce the damage and residual deformation and realize rapid recovery of the structure after earthquake, an innovative shear wall with self-centering capability was proposed in this study. In the plastic hinge zone of the self-centering shear wall, the longitudinal reinforcements were replaced by shape memory alloys (SMA) bars and ordinary concrete was replaced by engineered cementitious composites (ECC). Hence, the selfcentering ability of the shear wall can be achieved through SMA and the problem of brittle damage of concrete can be resolved by ECC. To inspect the seismic performance of the new type shear wall, four specimens, namely ordinary reinforced concrete shear wall, ECC reinforced shear wall with high ductility, superelastic SMA reinforced shear wall and shear wall reinforced by integrated SMA and ECC, were designed and manufactured. Based on the low cyclic loading test, the failure characteristics, bearing capacity, self-centering ability, ductility and energy dissipation ability-of the shear wall specimens were comparatively analyzed. The research results indicated that compared with the ordinary specimen, SMA-ECC shear wall was less damaged and with the rapid recovery function. Particularly, the self-centering capability was remarkable and probably more than 85%. In addition, it also possessed good ductility.
Key words shape memory alloys    engineered cementitious composites    self-centering    shear wall    seismic behavior
钱辉 康莉萍 郭院成 李宗翱 Shamim A Sheikh. 基于SMA和ECC复合材料的功能自恢复剪力墙#br# 抗震性能试验研究[J]. 土木工程学报, 2020, 53(10): 51-61, 71.
Qian Hui Kang Liping Guo Yuancheng Li Zongao Shamim A Sheikh. Experimental study on seismic behavior of self-centering shear wall reinforced #br# with shape memory alloy bars and engineered cementitious composites. 土木工程学报, 2020, 53(10): 51-61, 71.
http://manu36.magtech.com.cn/Jwk_tmgcxb/CN/     或     http://manu36.magtech.com.cn/Jwk_tmgcxb/CN/Y2020/V53/I10/51
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