Influence of shear paths on 3D cyclic behaviors of the gravel-structure interface
Feng Dakuo1,2 Zhang Jianmin1,3
1. State Key Laboratory of Hydroscience and Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China;
2. China Construction Seventh Engineering Division Co., Ltd., Zhengzhou 450004, China;
3. Institute of Geotechnical Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
Using a large-scale apparatus (3DMAS), the influence of shear paths on 3D cyclic behaviors of the gravel-structure interface was investigated based on a series of direct shear tests in various two-way arc cyclic shear paths. The test results indicate that the shear paths play a notable role in 3D cyclic behaviors of the interface. Remarkably differences can be observed in the relationship between volumetric change and tangential displacement, shear stress-displacement hysteretic relationship, and shear stress relationship in x or y direction in different shear paths. The residual cyclic friction angle of the interface gradually decreases from 35° to the stabilized value around 33° with increasing rotation angle amplitude, while the peak cyclic friction angle remains at 35°. Meanwhile, in all two-way shear paths, the interface contracts when being unloaded and then dilates after sheared to some extent, and thus presents irreversible and reversible volumetric change with decreased peak value due to cyclic shearing. The interface presents good consistency in the relationship between reversible volumetric change and resultant tangential displacement, and the relationship between resultant shear stress and resultant tangential displacement, independent of shear paths. The resultant shear stress-displacement relationship gradually transits from the hyperbolic trend to the elastic-perfectly plastic model with cyclic shearing continuing, and the cyclic shear strength of the interface appears to be isotropic.