土木工程学报  2018, Vol. 51 Issue (S2): 130-136    
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压剪复合作用下镁基盐发泡混凝土墙体力学#br# 性能试验研究
郝贠洪1,2  李振业1  王  超1  王  涛1  曹  喜1,2  侯永利1,2  王常清3
Experimental study on mechanical properties of magnesium foamed concrete wall under shear-compression loading
Hao Yunhong1,2  Li Zhenye1  Wang Chao1  Wang Tao1  Cao Xi1,2  Hou Yongli1,2  Wang Changqing3
1. School of Civil Engineering, Inner Mongolia University of Technology, Hohhot 010051, China;
2. Civil Engineering Structure and Key Mechanics Laboratory of Inner Mongolia, Inner Mongolia University of Technology, Hohhot 010051, China;
3. Inner Mongolia Green Housing Industry Technology Co., Ltd.,Hohhot 010030, China
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摘要 对镁基盐发泡混凝土试验墙体进行了压剪复合作用下的力学性能试验,研究了镁基盐发泡混凝土墙体不同轴压比工况下的力学性能,对比分析了三种轴压比和水平荷载组合作用下墙体的变形位移、破坏过程、破坏机理等性能。结果表明:在压剪复合作用下随着轴压比的增大,试验墙体的开裂荷载、开裂位移、极限荷载、极限位移、破坏荷载都相应增大,但破坏位移相对减小,墙体的弹性工作阶段可以得到延长且墙体的局部变形能力更强;在压剪复合作用下试验墙体的裂缝扩展形式为自截面边缘向内部逐渐发展的近似水平裂缝,为典型的正截面弯曲破坏;在压剪复合作用下试验墙体的破坏机理是当墙体内一点处最大拉应力超过材料单向应力状态下的极限拉应力,材料就会发生破坏;在压剪复合作用下试验墙体的变形能力较差,是一种脆性构件且总体应力与其材料强度相比一直处于低应力状态。
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郝贠洪 李振业 王 超 王 涛 曹 喜 侯永利 王常清
关键词 发泡混凝土墙体压剪复合作用破坏形态破坏机理    
Abstract:In order to investigate the shear mechanical property of foamed concrete wall,specimens were tested. This paper is studied whether the wall can bear the shear force at three different axial compression ratios. The shear mechanism, failure process, deformation displacement and other shear resistance of the new type wall are compared under three axial compression ratio. In this paper, the strength failure theory of this new type of wall is also studied, and a reasonable formula of shear strength is obtained. Experimental results show that with the increase of axial compression ratio, The cracking load, crack displacement, ultimate load, ultimate displacement and failure load of the wall are correspondingly increased, but the failure displacement is relatively reduced; The ultimate failure mode of the new type of wall is typical flexural failure of normal section and cracks develop from the edge of the cross to the interior under the influence of the three axial compression ratio; The first strength theory can explain the cracking of the new wall perfectly. With the increase of the axial compression ratio, the elastic working stage of the wall can be prolonged and local deformation ability of the wall will be better after cracking; The wall is a brittle member . Compared with the strength of the material the wall has been in a low stress state in the process of loading.
Key words foamed concrete wall    shear-compression loading    destruction form    failure mechanism
郝贠洪 李振业 王 超 王 涛 曹 喜 侯永利 王常清. 压剪复合作用下镁基盐发泡混凝土墙体力学#br# 性能试验研究[J]. 土木工程学报, 2018, 51(S2): 130-136.
Hao Yunhong Li Zhenye Wang Chao Wang Tao Cao Xi Hou Yongli Wang Changqing. Experimental study on mechanical properties of magnesium foamed concrete wall under shear-compression loading. 土木工程学报, 2018, 51(S2): 130-136.
http://manu36.magtech.com.cn/Jwk_tmgcxb/CN/     或     http://manu36.magtech.com.cn/Jwk_tmgcxb/CN/Y2018/V51/IS2/130
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