土木工程学报  2020, Vol. 53 Issue (S2): 40-46    
  结构工程 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 | 高级检索 |
轴压比对带PC填充墙的装配式联肢#br# 剪力墙受力性能影响分析
庞瑞1 刘晓怡1 张海东2 魏金桥3 Diakhate Adama1
1. 河南工业大学,河南郑州450001;2. 中建中原建筑设计院有限公司,河南郑州450004;3. 中建科技河南有限公司,河南郑州450000
Study on mechanical performance of precast concrete coupled shear wall with#br#  PC infill wall under different axial compression ratios
Pang Rui1 Liu Xiaoyi1 Zhang Haidong2 Wei Jinqiao3 Diakhate Adama1
1. Henan University of Technology, Zhengzhou 450001, China; 2. CSCEC Zhongyuan Architectural Design Institute Co. , Ltd. , Zhengzhou 450004, China;
3. China Construction Science & Technology Henan Co. , Ltd. , Zhengzhou  450000, China
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摘要 在试验研究的基础上,对带预制混凝土(PC)填充墙的装配式联肢剪力墙进行数值模拟分析,系统研究不同连接方式、轴压比下结构的破坏形态、承载力、刚度、延性等性能。结果表明:PC填充墙的存在可提高结构的承载力、抗侧刚度,刚性连接时结构的周期折减系数建议取0.8~1。随着轴压比的增大,试件的屈服荷载和峰值荷载增大;轴压比小于0.3时,结构的抗侧刚度随轴压比的增大而增大,当轴压比大于0.3时,随轴压比增大,刚性连接下的刚度减小,而柔性连接试件刚度基本不变;结构的延性随轴压比的增大而减小,刚性连接试件的延性系数降低速率高于柔性连接试件,建议刚性连接下,轴压比大于0.3时加强剪力墙边缘构件配筋。
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庞瑞 刘晓怡 张海东 魏金桥 Diakhate Adama
关键词 装配式联肢剪力墙 受力性能 数值模拟 轴压比    
Abstract:Based on the experimental research, numerical simulation analysis of the precast concrete (PC) coupled shear wall with PC infill walls was conducted. Performance of the specimens with different connection methods and axial compression ratios were evaluated in terms of failure mode, bearing capacity, stiffness and ductility, and so on. The results show that the existence of PC infill wall can improve the bearing capacity and lateral stiffness. It is recommended that the periodic reduction factor is between 0.8 and 1.0 when the PC coupled shear walls and the PC infill walls are rigidly connected. As the axial compression ratio increases, the yielding and peak loads of specimen increase. When the axial compression ratio is less than 0.3, the lateral stiffness of the structure increases with the increasing of the axial compression ratio. However, when the axial compression ratio is greater than 0.3, the stiffness under rigid connection decreases with the increasing of the axial compression ratio, but the rigid connection specimen stiffness is basically unchanged. The ductility of the structure decreases with the increasing of the axial compression ratio, and the ductility coefficient of the rigid connection specimens decreases faster than the flexible connection specimens. It is recommended to strengthen the reinforcement of shear wall edge members when the axial compression ratio is greater than 0.3 in rigid connection.
Key wordsprecast coupled shear wall    mechanical performance    numerical analysis    axial compression ratio
庞瑞 刘晓怡 张海东 魏金桥 Diakhate Adama. 轴压比对带PC填充墙的装配式联肢#br# 剪力墙受力性能影响分析[J]. 土木工程学报, 2020, 53(S2): 40-46.
Pang Rui Liu Xiaoyi Zhang Haidong Wei Jinqiao Diakhate Adama. Study on mechanical performance of precast concrete coupled shear wall with#br#  PC infill wall under different axial compression ratios. 土木工程学报, 2020, 53(S2): 40-46.
http://manu36.magtech.com.cn/Jwk_tmgcxb/CN/     或     http://manu36.magtech.com.cn/Jwk_tmgcxb/CN/Y2020/V53/IS2/40
主办:中国土木工程学会 地址:北京三里河路9号建设部内

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