土木工程学报  2021, Vol. 54 Issue (12): 53-63, 115    
  桥梁工程 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 | 高级检索 |
汪志昊1 程志鹏1 王浩2 岳方方1 郜辉2
1. 华北水利水电大学, 河南郑州450045;2. 东南大学混凝土及预应力混凝土结构教育部重点实验室, 江苏南京210096
Eddy-current inertial mass damper for cable vibration control
Wang Zhihao1 Cheng Zhipeng1 Wang Hao2 Yue Fangfang1 Gao Hui2
1. North China University of Water Resources and Electric Power, Zhengzhou 450045, China;
2. Key Laboratory of Concrete and Prestressed Concrete Structure of the Ministry of Education, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, China
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摘要 为提升传统被动黏滞阻尼器(VD)对斜拉索的减振效果,提出一种融合旋转式电涡流阻尼技术与滚珠丝杠两节点惯质单元的电涡流惯质阻尼器(ECIMD)斜拉索减振新方法。首先研制阻尼系数和惯性质量均可调的ECIMD样机,基于力学性能测试结果辨识ECIMD力学模型参数;然后开展ECIMD对模型拉索减振试验,获得ECIMD阻尼系数和惯性质量对拉索前3阶附加模态阻尼比的影响规律;接着采用有限差分法建立考虑拉索垂度、抗弯刚度及边界条件影响的斜拉索-ECIMD系统分析模型,对比分析斜拉索附加模态阻尼比的数值预测与相应试验结果;最后开展ECIMD对斜拉索多模态减振参数优化研究。研究结果表明:ECIMD的等效电涡流阻尼系数随激振频率的增大表现出逐渐降低的趋势,该特征对斜拉索多模态振动控制尤为有利;考虑斜拉索垂度、抗弯刚度影响的两端固接斜拉索-ECIMD系统模型可用于保守预测斜拉索附加模态阻尼比;与VD相比,ECIMD对斜拉索单模态和多模态均具有更好的减振效果。
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汪志昊 程志鹏 王浩 岳方方 郜辉
关键词 桥梁工程 斜拉索 电涡流阻尼 惯质阻尼器 多模态减振    
Abstract:To enhance vibration control performance of conventional passive viscous dampers (VDs) on stay cables, this study proposes a new cable vibration control using the eddy-current inertial mass damper (ECIMD), which combines rotary eddy-current damping with a two-node inertial element based on the ball screw. Firstly, an ECIMD prototype with adjustable damping coefficient and inertial mass was developed, and its mechanical parameters were identified via mechanical performance tests. Subsequently, the effects of the damping coefficient and the inertial mass of ECIMD on the first three supplemental modal damping ratios of the cable were experimentally investigated through model cable tests. Next, various analysis models of the cable-ECIMD system, considering the influence of cable sag, bending stiffness and boundary conditions, were established using the finite difference method, and the predicted supplemental modal damping ratios of the cable were compared with corresponding experimental results. Finally, parametric optimization for multi-mode cable vibration mitigation using the ECIMD was performed. The results show that the equivalent eddy-current damping coefficients of the ECIMD decrease gradually with the increase of the excitation frequency, which is particularly beneficial to mitigating cable multi-mode vibration. Considering the cable sag and bending stiffness, the analysis model of the fixed-end cable-ECIMD system can be used to conservatively estimate the attainable supplemental modal damping ratios of the cable. The ECIMD shows superior performance over the VD for both single-mode and multi-mode vibration mitigation of the stay cable.


Key wordsbridge engineering    stay cables    eddy-current damping    inertial mass damper    multi-mode vibrationmitigation
汪志昊 程志鹏 王浩 岳方方 郜辉. 电涡流惯质阻尼器对斜拉索振动控制研究[J]. 土木工程学报, 2021, 54(12): 53-63, 115.
Wang Zhihao Cheng Zhipeng Wang Hao Yue Fangfang Gao Hui. Eddy-current inertial mass damper for cable vibration control. 土木工程学报, 2021, 54(12): 53-63, 115.
http://manu36.magtech.com.cn/Jwk_tmgcxb/CN/     或     http://manu36.magtech.com.cn/Jwk_tmgcxb/CN/Y2021/V54/I12/53
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