土木工程学报  2020, Vol. 53 Issue (S2): 227-232, 264    
  结构工程 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 | 高级检索 |
基于振动台试验的火电厂主厂房减隔#br# 震体系抗震性能研究
王健泽1 刘恺2 李昂3 戴靠山1 尹业先4 李家宏5 张瑞甫2
1. 四川大学,四川成都 610065; 2. 同济大学,上海 200092;3. 苏州住房和城乡建设局,江苏苏州 215002;
4. 山东电力建设第三工程公司,山东青岛 266100;5. 青岛鸿瑞电力工程咨询有限公司,山东青岛 266100
Shaking table study of a large-scale thermal power plant building #br# equipped with innovative damping and isolation techniques
Wang Jianze1 Liu Kai2 Li Ang3 Dai Kaoshan1 Yin Yexian4 Li Jiahong5 Zhang Ruifu2
1. Sichuan University, Chengdu 610065, China; 2. Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China; 3. Suzhou Municipal Housing and
Urban-Rural Development Bureau, Suzhou 215002, China; 4. SEPCOIII Electric Power Construction Co., Ltd., Qingdao 266100, China;
5. Hongrui Electric Power Engineering Consulting Co. , Qingdao 266100, China
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摘要  燃煤火力发电是目前主流发电形式之一。文章基于一实际火力发电厂主厂房结构,对其结构布置不规则与重型煤斗引起的质量不规则特点,采用煤斗隔震与附加金属消能器技术,发展了该火电厂主厂房的减隔震结构体系。为考察该火电厂主厂房减隔震结构体系的抗震性能,设计1∶10缩比试验模型并开展振动台试验。分析结构层间位移响应、楼层加速度放大系数、隔震层与消能器耗能损伤情况,试验结果表明:试验模型的层间位移角响应满足规范位移限值要求,煤斗设备隔震和附加消能器有效发挥耗能作用,保护结构构件不发生损坏。
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王健泽 刘恺 李昂 戴靠山 尹业先 李家宏 张瑞甫
关键词 振动台试验 火电厂 煤斗隔震 消能减震    
Abstract:Thermal power plant is one of the most popular ways for electricity generation.  Based on an actual thermal power plant building, a seismic resilient system was developed. Coal bunker isolation and supplemental metallic damping systems were adopted to address the detrimental effects due to the vertical and mass irregularities. A series of shaking table tests was conducted on a 1∶10 scaled test model to examine the seismic performance of the proposed resilient structural system. The responses under earthquakes in terms of peak drift ratios, amplifications in floor accelerations, damage in isolator and damping devices were discussed. The peak drift responses were below the limit required by the Chinese design code. The test results highlight the effectiveness of coal bunker isolation and supplemental damping devices in energy dissipation and protection of the structural components.
Key wordsshaking table test    thermal power plant    coal bunker isolation    damping devices
王健泽 刘恺 李昂 戴靠山 尹业先 李家宏 张瑞甫. 基于振动台试验的火电厂主厂房减隔#br# 震体系抗震性能研究[J]. 土木工程学报, 2020, 53(S2): 227-232, 264.
Wang Jianze Liu Kai Li Ang Dai Kaoshan Yin Yexian Li Jiahong Zhang Ruifu. Shaking table study of a large-scale thermal power plant building #br# equipped with innovative damping and isolation techniques. 土木工程学报, 2020, 53(S2): 227-232, 264.
http://manu36.magtech.com.cn/Jwk_tmgcxb/CN/     或     http://manu36.magtech.com.cn/Jwk_tmgcxb/CN/Y2020/V53/IS2/227
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