Journal of Arid Land
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    Vol.  9 No.  3 , Pages 319-470  (2017-05-04)
    Khaled HAZAYMEH, Quazi K HASSAN
A remote sensing-based agricultural drought indicator and its implementation over a semi-arid region, Jordan
2017 Vol. 9 (3): 319-330 [摘要] ( 214 ) [PDF 463KB] ( 1355 )   RICH HTML
    XIAO Fengjun, DONG Zhibao, GUO Liejin, WANG Yueshe, LI Debiao
Sand particle lift-off velocity measurements and numerical simulation of mass flux distributions in a wind tunnel
2017 Vol. 9 (3): 331-344 [摘要] ( 279 ) [PDF 704KB] ( 880 )   RICH HTML
    LYU Jinling, LIU Hua, WANG Xihe, Rodrigo OLAVE, TIAN Changyan, LIU Xuejun
Crop yields and soil organic carbon dynamics in a long-term fertilization experiment in an extremely arid region of northern Xinjiang, China
2017 Vol. 9 (3): 345-354 [摘要] ( 275 ) [PDF 426KB] ( 1004 )   RICH HTML
    JIA Fengqin, Tashpolat TIYIP, WU Nan, TIAN Changyan, ZHANG Yuanming
Characteristics of soil seed banks at different geomorphic positions within the longitudinal sand dunes of the Gurbantunggut Desert, China
2017 Vol. 9 (3): 355-367 [摘要] ( 234 ) [PDF 343KB] ( 738 )   RICH HTML
    Mirzaei JAVAD, Heydari MEHDI, Bernard PREVOSTO
Effects of vegetation patterns and environmental factors on woody regeneration in semi-arid oak-dominated forests of western Iran
2017 Vol. 9 (3): 368-378 [摘要] ( 224 ) [PDF 375KB] ( 696 )   RICH HTML
    ZHANG Pingping, SHAO Ming’an, ZHANG Xingchang
Spatial pattern of plant species diversity and the influencing factors in a Gobi Desert within the Heihe River Basin, Northwest China
2017 Vol. 9 (3): 379-393 [摘要] ( 210 ) [PDF 394KB] ( 792 )   RICH HTML
    TONG Siqin, ZHANG Jiquan, BAO Yuhai, Wurina, Terigele, Weilisi, Lianxiao
Spatial and temporal variations of vegetation cover and the relationships with climate factors in Inner Mongolia based on GIMMS NDVI3g data
2017 Vol. 9 (3): 394-407 [摘要] ( 219 ) [PDF 1069KB] ( 772 )   RICH HTML
    REN Cai, YU Tian, QU Guanghang, WANG Shuang, WANG Ze, Abudoukeyumu MIJITI, ZHANG
Haloxylon ammodendron (Amaranthaceae) fruit development delay caused by post-flowering non-inductive photoperiod
2017 Vol. 9 (3): 408-418 [摘要] ( 207 ) [PDF 304KB] ( 747 )   RICH HTML
    BU Chongfeng, WANG Chun, YANG Yongsheng, ZHANG Li, Matthew A BOWKER
Physiological responses of artificial moss biocrusts to dehydration-rehydration process and heat stress on the Loess Plateau, China
2017 Vol. 9 (3): 419-431 [摘要] ( 245 ) [PDF 340KB] ( 1108 )   RICH HTML
    LIU Yonghong, GUO Jianwei, LI Li, Mipeshwaree D ASEM, ZHANG Yongguang, Osama A M
Endophytic bacteria associated with endangered plant Ferula sinkiangensis K. M. Shen in an arid land: diversity and plant growth-promoting traits
2017 Vol. 9 (3): 432-445 [摘要] ( 287 ) [PDF 608KB] ( 1076 )   RICH HTML
    LU Huiling, ZHOU Lihua, CHEN Yong, AN Yiwei, HOU Caixia
Degree of coupling and coordination of eco-economic system and the influencing factors: a case study in Yanchi County, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, China
2017 Vol. 9 (3): 446-457 [摘要] ( 214 ) [PDF 372KB] ( 729 )   RICH HTML
    Bumairiyemu MAIMAITI, DING Jianli, Zibibula SIMAYI, Alimujiang KASIMU
Characterizing urban expansion of Korla City and its spatial-temporal patterns using remote sensing and GIS methods
2017 Vol. 9 (3): 458-470 [摘要] ( 179 ) [PDF 1895KB] ( 875 )   RICH HTML
Journal of Arid Land


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