土木工程学报  2019, Vol. 52 Issue (S2): 132-138    
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厦门地铁车站基坑施工诱发地表沉降的经验#br# 预测方法研究
孙曦源1,2  衡朝阳1,2  周  智1,2  张剑涛1,2
1.中国建筑科学研究院有限公司,北京 100013;2.建研地基基础工程有限责任公司,北京 100013
An empirical method for predicting ground surface settlement induced#br# by metro station pit in Xiamen
Sun Xiyuan1,2  Heng Chaoyang1,2  Zhou Zhi1,2  Zhang Jiantao1,2
1. China Academy of Building Research, Beijing 100013, China; 2. CABR Foundation Engineering Co., Ltd., Beijing 100013, China
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摘要 地铁建设的快速发展对于缓解国内大中城市的交通拥堵问题具有极其重要的意义,然而,轨道交通运营线路多通过城市的主要街区以及繁华商圈,车站周边地表受基坑开挖影响产生沉降等环境问题较为显著,须在支护设计阶段对其进行有效地预测及控制,以便最大程度地降低施工阶段发生工程灾害的机率。基于厦门地铁1号线车站建设过程中邻域地表沉降的监测数据,对实测沉降槽曲线进行归一化处理和统计分析,得出适用于厦门地区类似工程条件下地铁车站基坑施工诱发周边地表沉降的经验预测方法,为后续的地铁建设提供参考建议。
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孙曦源 衡朝阳 周 智 张剑涛
关键词 地铁车站基坑归一化统计方法沉降厦门    

The fast development of urban metro construction, to alleviate urban traffic congestion, has played an important role in China. However, metro lines are generally located in downtown districts or residential areas of cities, disasters of the surrounding ground surface caused by metro station excavation construction are more and more obvious. So it is much important to predict and control the risk of engineering disasters effectively at design stage. Based on the monitoring data of Xiamen Subway Line 1, ground-surface settlement adjacent to station pit is analyzed through normalization method and statistical method. Then, an empirical method of settlement prediction is obtained. Its applicability is verified by measured value in typical geological conditions and some useful suggestions are given for engineering practice in Xiamen finally.

Key wordsmetro station    pit    normalization    statistical method    settlement    Xiamen
孙曦源 衡朝阳 周 智 张剑涛. 厦门地铁车站基坑施工诱发地表沉降的经验#br# 预测方法研究[J]. 土木工程学报, 2019, 52(S2): 132-138.
Sun Xiyuan Heng Chaoyang Zhou Zhi Zhang Jiantao. An empirical method for predicting ground surface settlement induced#br# by metro station pit in Xiamen. 土木工程学报, 2019, 52(S2): 132-138.
http://manu36.magtech.com.cn/Jwk_tmgcxb/CN/     或     http://manu36.magtech.com.cn/Jwk_tmgcxb/CN/Y2019/V52/IS2/132
主办:中国土木工程学会 地址:北京三里河路9号建设部内

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